My Mother

Written by , on 2023-12-30, genre incest

My mother 54 recently divorced by my father, was always crying and upset over the divorce. She was left well off by the divorce and had the house as well and didn't need to work. I 27 lived with her as my father and me are very much alike and like magnets opposites attract and same repel. Minimum and short contact was best in our relationship or arguments quickly started. Back in August I had been out to a party and hadn't picked up a girl and a little drunk and horny I came home to a mother who was crying or sulking all the time. As I walked in, she was in her night gown, and it was almost see-thru. I wasn't ready for the sobbing or the moaning about her failure of her life. Something snapped and I took her in my arms and kissed her and proceeded to fuck her on the lounge. Then I took her to her bed and continued on fucking her. In the morning (Sunday) I fucked her again and she never tried to stop me. Since then, anytime I get horny I fuck my mother and she has stopped her crying and moaning about her failed life. She was shocked the first night and in the following days, just has sex with anytime I want no refusal or telling me it's not right to fuck your mother. She accepts our new relationship and seems happier and better to be with.

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