
Heterosexual men and women with the opposite sex

The genre Straight collects erotic stories dealing with heterosexual relationships. All stories deal with people who have an attraction, and then sexual preference, to individuals of the opposite sex. It is typically the most "classic" genre of adult fictions. In this category you will find erotic stories in the more conventional meaning of the term.

2.1K erotic stories of the genre straight which were read 3.5M times.

ProxyShort History: I was born (1996) when my mother was 38 and father 46 and my mother died of cancer at 50. When my mother got at 48, my father thought it better I was away at boarding school. I rarely saw either of them after that, I saw my father for about ten minutes at my mother's funeral and didn't see again for 3 years. My school grades were excellent, and I was also doing very well at sports. But I had little or no ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Thankful Son
Former VoyeurI was always awkward around girls about my age and then young women. Never smart enough to university, but preferred working with my hands anyway. Trained as a cabinet maker and then expanding to become a carpenter. Living in small town more skills you have the better, able to afford my own place at 24. Nothing grand just plain and a little rundown, which I done was money and time permitted. Several months after I'd move in the house next sold ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Voyeur to Lover
Down and OutDown and out is how I like my women, women having a hard time getting by. I've found they are quite willing to do anything I want to improve their lives. I don't hurt them far from it, I cherish them and get what I call OVA sex from them and also help them better their lives at the same time. OVA sex is oral, vaginal and anal sex and with women who are hard up it easier to get ...reading time 1 minwritten on
Sex Obsessed
Fired by the FamilyShort version: I (24) was fired by my family; I worked for the family-owned business and had started having affairs with female colleagues some married which caused me to be fired. Now having to fend for myself and not having access to family assistance as before. I got work at another business, owned by a group of women (3) all related to each other. Me being me couldn't resist trying to bed women working there, which brought to the attention of the ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Horny Devil
My BossI'm the fixer of the business I do everything, and my lazy boss takes all the credit. He isn't the owner of the business just the local manager. He is a user and at 58 he's even too lazy to play golf. He's overweight and in poor health, we met on our first day with business and he ass kissed his way up the ladder and used me to do the work, he claimed credit for and so he kept me ...reading time 2 minwritten on
The Fixer
My old NeighborI (33) was recently divorced and having no children we split everything 50/50 and went our separate ways. I bought a new home with a bank loan and continued in my career. I've only one close neighbor a man of 57, quiet and keeps to himself mostly, but will give you help required. As I was trying to erect a small kit greenhouse and not having much success, he saw me having trouble and came and helped me. The instruction did say you ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Finally a Mother
I saw my chanceDivorced and relocated, I was starting again at 52. No ongoing payments to my ex-wife and children, so I made a clean break. Not the favor of the month with any of them, so I relocated several states away and didn't bother to tell them where I was going. They wouldn't have cared anyway, I bought a 3bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood. Planning to keep a low profile for a time, but my new neighbor 61 had other ideas. He was ...reading time 3 minwritten on
I'm Married again
Happy with our New lifeIn the years since our first meeting, we've really clicked as a family. Both Judith and Beryl are very happy with our arrangement and the 4 children we've had. Beryl is pregnant again, making her third child, she is hoping for a boy and is getting checked today to find out if she has succeeded. Judith would like a girl having had 2 boys with me, but she may be passed having any more children. But I enjoy trying, with 4 young children ...reading time 1 minwritten on
Arranged MarriageMy family is very successful and quite wealthy and believe in the old ways. Then there is me 27 skinny and a large disappointment to my family. I graduated second in my class from university with honors, but I hadn't married or even had a girlfriend, and some thought I might be gay. Not the term they used, but my mother was wiser and knew it was because I was very nervous around women. Especially ones near my age, mature women ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Arranged Husband
Housekeeper WantedI (32) placed an ad for a housekeeper, I was looking for housekeeper to keep my house clean and cook my meals and do my laundry. I hadn't thought of what I really wanted other than a reliable person. No takers at first, there isn't unemployment in my area since 2021. Before there were 5 or more for every job, now you were lucky to get one or two. A couple days later there was a knock on my door, opening the door ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Horny Employer
Very Horny BrotherMy younger brother (20) is a root rat according to my older brother (25), adding he would fuck anything with a pulse. I'd been away at university and returned home to the news my younger brother was getting married. Sudden I thought and after a talk with my older brother I (23) found out the reason. He had gotten his girlfriend pregnant (18), nothing unusual about that I thought. But then my brother added, he also got her mother (36) widow pregnant. Had also been ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Surprised Sister
Ten Years laterMy last year of high school I turned 16 and got a new science teacher. Which increased my interest in attending her classes as she was gorgeous. Otherwise, I would have skipped the class. But due to my failing grades my father was already arranging for me to learn to be a mechanic. At the end of her first term as my science teacher I left. She was 27 married and I fantasized about her for years after, many a night I ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Former Student
Lonely StartI was born when my parents were in their late forties (father) and late thirties (mother) and was an only child. Both were career first and child second type parents, I believe I was an accidental baby and they had me as the easy way out. I was raised by a nanny and as soon as I could be sent off to boarding school at 7years old. Rarely saw my parents even at Christmas and even rarer both at the ...reading time 4 minwritten on
No More being alone
Back in 2015I was living quietly alone in my home and got new neighbors, a recently married couple. I was 34 at the time and worked from home and quite well off due to inheritance from my late parents. I wasn't dating or in any relationship, used a local lady 47 to get my rocks off. She cleaned my house and needed extra money and we came to a mutual beneficial arrangement. The newlywed couple were loud neighbors, well he was always shouting. He 35 ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Accidental Husband
My reclusive NeighborI (33) moved next my reclusive neighbor 38 just after marrying didn't meet or see him for 6 months or so. I thought the house was empty as no lights showed at night and had never seen anybody visiting or there at all. But I still worked and was gone most of everyday and on the weekends my husband and I were out visiting or on the lake. My marriage quickly failed as my husband got caught with another woman by her husband. ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Contented Wife
Personal PleasureI'm 42 and been divorced for 3 years and as I already had 4 children with my ex-wife, I wasn't looking to remarry anytime soon. Finding dating a chore, as the women I dated were looking to marry I wasn't interested in remarrying. By a stroke of luck, I found the perfect woman for me. She already worked for me and was having a hard time financially, at 56 she was okay looking and had a great body as far as I could see. ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Pleasure Seeker
Retired Teacher and my students Pussy. I'm a twenty three-year-old student living with my parents, I'm doing a degree course in biology which as of today I'm struggling with. The financial commitment you have to have can at times be very hard to manage. My parents are both in their late sixties and have done so much to help me which I'm eternally grateful for. I had to find ways to run so many to try and keep up with the ever-increasing costs of the course. ...reading time 12 minwritten on
Honey Windowcleaner
After my divorceI (35) was finally divorced after a long time, as we had no children there was no child support and a one-off payment settled it. Now free and clear I was able to renew my life, I've a good career and wasn't looking for another relationship straight away, also not wanting to get caught by a woman getting pregnant to me either. At first, I thought I would use escorts, but I couldn't bring myself to call one. I was sitting ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Recently Divorced
After I marriedI'd to marry as I'd gotten my girlfriend pregnant, it wasn't against my will as I really love her. But it was quicker than I thought it would happen, I'd just turn 20 and my girlfriend was 18. No problem I would still go to university and live off campus with my wife and her mother 43 divorced. My wife is youngest of 2 and only one still living with her mother. As they already lived close to the university, it was thought it ...reading time 3 minwritten on
Horny New Husband
My Harem Short history, I was sent to finish a project (overseas) which was behind quicker. I was then 30 and had become the trouble shooter of the company I worked for. Not in any relationship and always had a work first mindset. I replaced my older cousin, and he returned home. I quickly cut thru the delays, telling contractors their contacts were to be cancelled and that hurried them up a bit. But other delays on deliveries were solved by cancelling the ...reading time 4 minwritten on
Greedy Harem Man
The plane crash 73–79The Plane Crash 73- 79 "Ok my angel, off you go to get your uniform on. I will clean up in here and wait for you in the living room" "Ok Daddy, thank you for drying me. I hope we can do this every school day" "Well, I don't see why not angel. It is just the two of us and whatever you want I want" "Now off you go, I need to get dressed as well" I went and put ...reading time 26 minwritten on
The plane crash chapter 32 and 36Patty sucked in her breath and stiffened a bit for only a second then relaxed as my thumb softened the entrance to her. She too was moaning softly. I glanced over at the other girls and they were all busy, paying no attention whatsoever to what Patty, Brenda and I were doing. We played like that for almost half an hour, just sitting there, not saying anything, relaxed feeling the pleasure. These two little girls were exactly alike and aside ...reading time 65 minwritten on
The plane crash chapter 31 and 32 The plane crash chapter 31 and 32 Chapter 31 - Squeaky Clean "What's up Susan, how come you aren't in the pond with the rest of the girls?" "I have my period and I feel all yikkee" "What do you mean you have your period? You are only 11 years old" "Almost 12 Marco, almost 12 and this is only the third time. The first time was just a couple of spots and the second time a little bit more. This time there isn't a lot ...reading time 18 minwritten on
Got CaughtParents were away and I had the house myself, I'm 22 and work as a mechanic. Left school at 18 and trained to be a mechanic, I've always been into cars. Not much success dating, so home alone and bored and started watching porn on my laptop and then started to masturbate myself. Not expecting any visitors and was away with the fairies as my grandparents said when I wasn't paying attention. Our neighbor Judith 61 divorced and lived alone, came over to ...reading time 2 minwritten on
Living Dildo
The plane crash chapter 19 -23 Chapter 19 - Foraging with Linda We had been stranded now for almost 20 days and had used up all the toilet paper and napkins and now of course the girls were complaining about not being able to wipe their bums when they went for a poo which we always did in pairs behind a large tree surrounded by bushes. That area was getting to smell bad and the girls were running out of places to poo and pee without stepping in ...reading time 78 minwritten on
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