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Keeping it in the FamilyI'm Ryan 24, I live with my extended family and I'm the only male in the family group. My father passed away when I was 10. The consists my mother Rose 42, her sister Ann 39 and my late father's sisters Rachel 43 and Clare 37 and my sister Robyn 19, cousins Kaye 23 and Paula 22. My uncles are dead or cleared years before. We live in a family group and we all have outside friendships and relationships. But we also have sex with each other in the ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Man's needs come firstIn my family tradition a man's needs come first, in the old country it's always been that way and carries over to this day. Even in our new country, because of troubles in old country our family travel to a new life here and after 60 years we still practice the old ways. I was born here and married and by chance at the age of 31 2021 I became the family head as the last adult male. I had 3 children already and ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Traditional Husband
How 1 plus 1 equal 3I went along on family camping trip with my family and joining the family was my brother's family along with his sister-in-law. She was a year younger than and fairly quiet, the weeklong trip we were having fun and drinking a bit as well. On the fourth night we really partied, and I awoke in my tent with my brother's sister-in-law. Both naked and sticky and I was a little hung over, but I realized we had fucked at least ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Soon to Marry
Finding FamilyAs far as I knew I was the last of my family, so at 32 I had nobody else in my family. But the family history record of my family were not very extensive. So, I done a DNA history search in the hope I had some relatives left. No result at first and so I decided to move on with my life and married my girlfriend to restart my family. That was March 2021, we were soon expecting our first child. ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Lucky Stepbrother
Family Tree & DNA searchLong Story short version. I've always been into history and studied history at university, which started my interest in my family history. Doing the research, I found a branch of the family disappeared suddenly and no further mention of them after the Civil war, they had fought for the South. I tried everything to track them down and had no luck at all. Hence a DNA search and at first just relatives I already knew about. I started to think ...reading time 2 mingenre
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History Nerd
Family FailureIn my family you go to university, I didn't as I dropped out of high school. Left to get by on my own, with no help from the family. My trust was locked away till I finished university and so I would never gain access to it. I got a job working on cars and trucks and finally qualified as a mechanic. Still blacklisted by my family mostly, my mother and her mother were the only ones to keep in ...reading time 2 mingenre
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successful failure
Tracing the Family lineI and my cousin Sarah were tracing the family line, we're a large family. But there was a story that the family line nearly ended 2 hundred years ago. So we started looking and sure enough, all lines met at one person. At first, we thought he had married 6 times and 5 had passed away due to childbirth or something else. But as we checked each wife they had several children to him at the same time and all outlived him. 27 children ...reading time 2 mingenre
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No Plans, but I succeededI've never been a people person; I just wasn't interested in interacting with others. I preferred my own company and done well at school and university, had no close friends and didn't even interact with my family much at all. But thanks to coming from a well to family and the internet I was able to find a quiet place to live away from people, a trip once a week to get whatever I wanted. That was all my interpersonal ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Former Hermit
Family HonorIncest it's called but she is my second cousin, and I was forced to marry her by the family because she got pregnant. Albeit was me that got her pregnant in the first place, but the family didn't and still don't know that. I seduced her and made her swear not to tell anyone that we had sex. She got pregnant and said she didn't know who what his name was. She reasoned she was already in trouble, and it ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Cousin fucker
Welcome to the FamilyI'm Bernard 25 and in May last year I married Holly 22 and return with her to the family property. 56 acres along a river bank, We joined Geraldine 57 (Holly's grandmother) and her mother Frances 39 both widowed, the family is quite well off and don't run any livestock except a few horses and chickens and have 3 dogs who are there to deter unwanted visitors. I'm also from a well off family and the youngest of 3 and was failing at university. Mainly because I ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Bernard B G
Lost Weekend part 2I'm still living with Lorraine and our son Robert and are trying for another at the moment. I said our son as I had a DNA test in secret, just to lay any doubt in my mind instead of letting it fester. We get on fantastically well, as if we were meant for each other. Her family as I said before, have come around to accept our marriage and things are better with them. It wasn't a worry for me ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Joshua married man
Fucking my FamilyI come from a small town in Alabama neat Huntsville, in my town I like to Hunt for pussy, not just pussy but fertile pussy, and fertile Family pussy is the best. Yes I have 4 sisters and 7 female cousins that range in ages 18 to 27 and I have gathered a total of 24 kids with them all my sister Bethany just turned 18 and she is having her 3 child by me all alittle over a year apart the best part of my incest ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Family Fuvker
Family discission My extended family wanted to keep the family wealth within the family and so I was asked to marry my second cousin I'll call Jane 23. I'll call myself Jason 29, we're the last of the line so to speak. Others in the family are old with the youngest being 59 (female) and everything is concentrating towards me, and Jane's mother was my first cousin who passed away in a boating accident twelve years ago. I'm an only child due to being born ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy cousin/husband
Caught so got marriedMy family is well connected and well off, but that comes with certain obligations. Like keeping the family name out of the news (bad news) and when I 28 was caught fucking the local minister's only daughter 19. I was given two choices marry or be cut out of the family inheritance. I have strong values and of course I married her, I really value money and didn't want to lose access to it and actually have to work to earn it. ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Obligated Man
Family FunI (then 24) went to a family get together single and as a result I am now married. I'm the youngest of 3 and my siblings are both married, and my older brother has 3 children, and my sister has 2 children. My sister is the middle child and came without her husband who was on active duty in the Navy. But she had her sister-in-law (then 21) come with her and we all had great time and I slept with my sister's siter-in-law, and ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Accidental Father
Divorced then Chosen.After my divorce was finalized and I had nothing to pay my ex-wife as she was the wealthy one, not me. She got our children who preferred their mother to me. I got a job in another state and was working for a family own business. Run by 5 women and their men had passed away. At 35 I wasn't looking for a relationship so soon after my divorce, maybe in 20 or 30 years was how I felt at the time. My hard ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Second Time lucky
Caretaker part 2All good things come to an end and my caretaking job ended last November as the family had finally decided to sell the old factory site. I and my family returned to the family estate into a new house built for us by my parents. Glenda and Jenny aren't required to work and are usually with my mother Grace. My baby girl arrived in August and is named Grace and is idolized by my mother her first granddaughter. My father ...reading time 1 mingenre
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David K B
DivorcedIt seems that my sister had just as much luck with her marriage as I did with mine. We are both divorced, I was divorced 2 years after my marriage and my sister made it to 3 years before her divorce. Our family is well off and we both had no children so the divorces were fairly simple. As only my personal assets were involved and not the family assets, same for my sister. I soon recovered as I had no ongoing ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Brother and Sister
MarryingI went overseas for work and met my wife while there, we hit it off straight away. Anyway, after 2 years and jumping thru all the hoops her family had put up, we married. We continued living nearby her family and then the pandemic came, her father caught the virus. It took him fairly quickly as he had lung problems from years of smoking, which made me the head of the family as the only male left. So, as her mother ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Happy Husband
Told to Marry or get cut of the family fortune I was very use to living the high life and didn't relish actually having to work a living. You might have already I don't work a living and like to enjoy myself than work. So, I was suddenly very interested in finding a wife. Not so easy, she would've to be acceptable to the family also. At 35 I was a catch the papers always inferred, but surprise no acceptable women gave me a second look. My reputation saw to that, ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy married man
Family BusinessI got divorced in 2019 and got custody of my son (1 at the time) and my ex departed with her new meal ticket. She didn't want custody and took a cash payment, so I was happy she was gone. My cousin moved in with me to help and she was single and not into dating and during the pandemic we got together and became lovers and she got pregnant and now we have 2 children together plus my son. My cousin's mother ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Loving Cousin
Family Get TogetherI was 25 married and had 1 child at the time, my wife then 22 family was celebrating her grandfather's birthday and had a get together. So, we went along to celebrate his birthday, his family had 4 children and so me, my wife and her mother then 40 stayed in a motel together sharing a room. The party lasted most of the day and we were you could say very merry on getting back to our room. My wife and I were a bit ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Man of the House....
FamilyEveryone heard of keeping it in the family, well that what happens in my family. But it's not incest, mainly because I'm the only male and all the females are my wife's side of the family. Namely her mother, sister and aunt, we all live together and in a remote area. But we do go to town once a month, stay overnight and return late the next day. I met Marie my wife at college and we hit it off ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Shocking discoveryMy family for the most part, are born again Christians. I was but strayed away after the pandemic crap, but I'm not only one to leave the family because of their Christian beliefs. I've an uncle who while I was growing up, I never heard of and of course never met. He is my father's younger brother and blacklisted in the family. His name is never to be spoken or used to name any child born into the family. His ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Maty devil's spawn
Playing with his familyWhen he was growing up his family was very open about everything and yes sexual times too. In the summer months when it was hot out most of the time they were nakid in the house. Mom,Dad, sister and brother all walked around with nothing on. They all watched as mom and dad hugged and kissed each other. And they had their times with mom and dad too. Mom and dad were shaven below and my older sister and ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Curious Man
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