New Job

Written by , on 2021-06-10, genre straight

I'm Norman and at the the start of the year, I started a new job and in a new state and far way from close family. I've never been a ladies man, but have had some luck. I was the new manager for a large chain store and it was a good promotion for me. After settling in my new job, I started getting to know the staff. I had an assistant manager Rebecca 57 single and a long term employee of the company. As far as I knew at the time she neither dated or had any relationships as I was told by the gossips in the store. Spinster she was called by some of the staff, but she was good at her job. I asked my superior why Rebecca wasn't given the job as manager and was told she didn't want it. She was happy as assistant manager, no travelling to meetings at head office. In early March there was a fire in the building our store was located, but our store was undamaged, had to close for a week, the electrical wiring was replace in the whole building. The staff took leave and I decided to go hire a cabin in the nearby mountains. I found out by chance that Rebecca owned a cabin and rented it out as well. So I asked her could I rent her cabin and she told me that she was go to be using it herself. I asked did she know of any other cabins that I would be able to rent. No was her answer, but she than said I could stay with her if I wanted too, as she had a spare room in her cabin. I agreed not expecting much available in the area. We got everything we would need and headed off to the cabin. Rebecca likes to paint I found out on the drive to the cabin and that's what she would be doing during our week there. I was going to go walking on the trails and take some pictures. After arriving we unpacked the car and settled in, after lunch I headed off on a walk. I was gone several hours and returned and went fishing in the hope of catch our dinner. No luck, after dinner we talked for awhile and I decided to go to my bed. Rebecca asked if I would like company for the night and at first this was a shock to me. But I soon recovered and said yes if you want too, I willing. So we went to her bed and had sex and again in the morning, sex was regular activity for us after the first night. Rebecca told liked sex and liked to asked men she fancied. On our return to our homes, I expected the sex would be over. But Rebecca would come over to my place and we would fuck, Rebecca told me that she doesn't want a relationship with anyone. Just wants to be free to fuck whoever she wants too.

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