Micah’s Endgame


“Guess What?”

Trey looked at his phone, alerted by the chime of the new incoming message. His eyebrow rose when he saw the name attached to it.

“You’re pregnant?”

It was all he could think of to say at the moment. Although they had not spoken in some time, they shared a professional history going back several years that had intertwined their personal lives. After all, how could two people work so closely for so long and not share any details of their private lives? Personal successes, happier moments, and, of course, tragedies, too, all were discussed at some point in time.

“LOL - No! It’s over...”

Trey pondered Micah’s declaration a moment and realized it could only mean one thing. Why else would she text him out of the blue, other than to share something as significant as the news of a doomed relationship? His fingers quickly swiped the keyboard on the glowing screen of his phone.

“OK, so what happened?”

Over the next hour, Micah brought Trey up to speed of the recent events in her life as they exchanged messages back and forth. It was one particular question she asked, however, that truly caught Trey’s attention and changed the entire course of their conversation.

“Are you guys swingers?”

Trey leaned back on the leather loveseat as he stared at the screen, allowing the depth of her question to fully sink in. What on Earth, he wondered, would ever make her ask such an intimate and personal question? He smiled, knowing that not only had she now opened Pandora’s box, but assured it’s figurative lid would never quite fit the same again.

Micah adjusted the pillows on her bed and sat comfortably with her legs outstretched. She glanced again at her text messages and saw that Trey appeared to be taking his time responding to her last question. Micah was as intelligent and calculating as they come. She knew when to sow seeds and made it a point to always play the long game. She did this, of course, to assure that things would always work to her advantage when she wanted. Had she ever bothered to learn the game of chess, she surely would have mastered every play. She smiled to herself knowing how Trey must be squirming in his seat that very moment. She had never directly asked him such a personal question, but, seeking to satisfy her curiosity, had once asked the same question through a friend years earlier. After much back and forth, Micah realized Trey was toying with her, and that she wasn’t going to get a straight answer from him anytime soon. She could draw her own conclusion, but knew there was only was only one way that she would know the truth. The longer they chatted, the more risqué their conversation became, and when Micah realized just how aroused she had become from their banter, thought it best to say goodnight.

Trey smiled as their conversation came to an end, and in his mind imagined Micah and what she might do next in the privacy of her home. His own arousal was obvious, prompting him to wait several moments before leaving his perch on the loveseat and heading for bed. He glanced to his wife who slept lightly on the couch across from him, and before waking her, decided to share the news of Micah’s change in relationship status at a more convenient time.

It was several days before Trey shared details of the conversation he had enjoyed with Micah. Some details though, he decided, would be best kept to himself. On hearing the news, Angela, Trey’s wife, did what any good friend would do when learning someone had experienced a loss; she reached out to Micah and offered words of comfort, and in a sign of solidarity, suggested a girl’s night out. Seeing the potential of an evening alone with her friend, Micah gladly accepted her invitation and in her mind began plotting the events she wished to see unfold.

It was Friday night of the following week that the girls met for their night out. The Uber ride in which Micah had arrived pulled up curbside, and she watched as Angela excitedly skipped down the steps toward the waiting car. Once inside, Angela hugged Micah, again expressed her feelings for her friend’s loss, then quickly changed the subject to learn what was in store for the night.

“Now, I don’t know how you’re going to feel about this” Micah began, “but I thought we could do something exciting and different together…” Micah paused a moment and tried reading Angela’s immediate reaction. “Have you ever been to a strip club?”

“Like Chippendale’s? Oh, sure…” Angela replied, thinking of the bachelorette parties she had attended in the past.

“What about…you know…a bikini bar?”

Angela looked at Micah and saw an unmistakable, impish smile on her face. With no objection from Angela, Micah gave the driver their destination and moments later they were off to enjoy each other’s company.

After a short drive, they arrived at a gentlemen’s club on the outskirts of the city. They entered the establishment arm-in-arm, signaling to all other patrons who watched them enter that they were indeed together, hoping to at least ward-off any unwanted attention. Spying two empty stools at the stage, they quickly seated themselves and were approached by a scantily dressed woman who took their drink order. Micah, a true fan of tequila, ordered several shots for them both, despite Angela’s objection. The blaring music quieted only momentarily as the DJ called the next dancer to the stage. Her name was Bebe, and judging by the way Micah’s eyes followed her, Angela guessed that this was not the first time she had been there to see her perform. From out of nowhere, Micah produced a handful of singles, and as Bebe knelt in front of her and pulled her g-string to the side, Micah slid to her the first of many dollars she would spend that night. Bebe winked and blew a kiss to Micah, whose face Angela could see immediately became flushed. Not once taking her eyes off the dancer, Micah handed several bills to Angela and encouraged her to pay tribute, hoping Bebe wouldn’t leave them.

Bebe passed in front of the girls several more times over the course of the next few songs. The other patrons seated along the stage didn’t seem to mind, obviously enjoying the two women who sat at the far end drinking tequila shots and cat-calling the favored dancer. They lost track of the number of shots each had consumed, but neither seemed to care.

When the last song Bebe would dance to that evening began playing, she decided, having been tributed so much by her two beautiful fans, that she would dance for them alone. Bebe swayed to the music directly in front of Micah, and Angela watched as her friend became oblivious to all around her, all except for the tanned goddess whose bubble-shaped ass that she, too, had come to love. Micah then did something unexpected; she slid her hand along Angela’s leg and down the inside of her bare thigh. Angela closed her eyes, and with her hands, grabbed Micah’s own hand and pressed it against her, moaning softly. Micah could feel an intense heat radiating through the fabric of Angela’s shorts and imagined how wet she must have been at that moment. Angela opened her eyes and turned her face toward Micah, who leaned in and kissed her mouth, her tongue pushing past Angela’s own inviting lips.

Bebe, however, broke up the party.

“Listen girls,” she said, “y’all are hot as fuck right now and have given me more than enough to get myself off tonight, but y’all gonna get thrown out if you don’t keep your hands to yourselves….”

Angela got to her feet and said to Micah, “We need to go now”, having already summoned an Uber ride home. Pushing past a large crowd of patrons who clapped and cheered loudly for them as they exited the club, they spotted their waiting ride. As they climbed in, they shared a smile after seeing that it was the same driver who had dropped them off earlier that evening. Turning to face the girls to ask if they had enjoyed themselves, the driver stopped short when he saw them kissing and figured it best to not disturb them. He adjusted the rear-view mirror for a better view of the girls’ action, until Angela pulled herself away from Micah and coldly told him, “I’ll fuckin’ cut you…” Quickly resetting the mirror, he drove the two sirens home without another word.

Trey had spent much of the evening watching movies, occasionally glancing at his phone for any messages he may have received from the girls, but there was none sent all evening. Now hearing the sound of keys and laughter outside, he knew the two party girls had finally arrived. The front door opened, and from where he sat on the couch, Trey silently watched as Angela quickly led Micah by the hand to the bedroom, saying not a word nor even acknowledging her husband. He rose from his seat and followed, but Angela had not only closed the door behind them, but had locked it as well. Trey simply smiled, went back to the couch and waited.

Inside the bedroom, Angela pushed Micah backward onto the bed and climbed to straddle her. Hovering above, she kissed Micah deeply and felt the woman’s hands lifting her shirt. Leaning back, Angela pulled her shirt off and watched as Micah did the same from her position, unclasping her bra and letting fall to the floor beside the bed. She admired Micah’s figure, her tits full and proud, and nipples appearing hard as stone. She lowered herself and licked Micah’s nipple lightly before sucking it fully into her mouth, squeezing her breast firmly with her hand, as Micah’s own hands reached behind Angela to grab her ass. Their mouths met again, tongues eagerly exploring each other’s as they kissed long and deeply.

“What do think Trey is thinking right now?” Micah asked between kisses.


“But, do you think he knows what...” Micah started.

“Of course, he does. Wait...I thought you said you knew my husband”, said Angela, playfully. She stood, this time reaching for the shorts from which Micah was trying to free herself. Angela slid them down her legs and dropped them to the floor, pausing to admire the sexy panties Micah wore underneath.

Running her hands up the length of Micah’s legs to her waistline, Angela was momentarily stopped. “Angela,” Micah whispered, “I’ve never done anything like this before...”

“What? Had sex?” Angela smiled at her, knowing full well what she meant. Then, with a new tone of seriousness asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

“Oh, fuck no!” She cried out, loud enough, she thought, for Trey to hear from the other room. “It’s just that...this is entirely new for me. I’ve never been with another woman, and I don’t know that I...”

Angela pressed her finger to Micah’s lips and whispered to her, “You just do what comes naturally... if it feels good to you, I’ll love it just as much.” She brought her mouth to Micah’s and they again lost themselves in the moment.

By the time Angela had finally positioned herself before her and spread Micah’s legs wide to fully expose her hairless pussy, Micah was nearly in sensory overload. The sensual touch of Angela’s hands made her full body quiver, and when her mouth finally made contact with her clit, Micah nearly lost it. She thought of every man who had ever gone down on her before, but none were so skillful as the beauty who now pleasured her senses. With a mixture light kisses, gentle nibbles, and a tongue that simply would not cease dancing upon her clit, Micah felt she was close to having an out-of-body experience. It was only when Angela slid her fingers deep inside to find her G-spot that she fully let loose the loudest squeal of pleasure, caring not at all who might hear.

Micah lay catching her breath, as Angela climbed back onto the bed and straddled her face. She reached back and fingered her pussy and instructed her on what to do next.

“Suck on it... play with my clit just like I played with yours...” Angela’s hips began to gyrate on Micah’s open mouth as she continued coaching her. “Yes, yes, yes, yes! Fuck me with your tongue!” She could feel the tip of Micah’s tongue inside her and grabbed the headboard as her body shook, an incredibly intense orgasm overcoming her senses.

Angels rolled off of Micah’s face and lay next to her, pulling her closer and laying her head on her soft bosom. They remained silent for several moments before Micah finally spoke.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course, you can...” Angela replied as she slowly stroked Micah’s hair.

“What’s he like?”

Angela stopped what she was doing and smiled to herself. Micah’s curiosity was only natural, having known Angela’s husband for so long. Sitting up, she looked at Micah’s face and took in every detail; her flawless skin was radiant and glistened from the light of the nightstand lamp. Her eyes were beautiful, and in that moment, Angela saw a near pleading look to them. She brought her face close to Micah’s and dotted her lips with several small kisses.

“Would you like to find out for yourself?” Angela asked, moving a wisp of hair from Micah’s eye, from which she could swear she saw a sparkle.

Trey waited patiently in the living room for any sign from the girls, occasionally following along with the movie that was now simply background noise. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the girls’ disposition when they walked into the house, or what was happening behind the locked door. He pictured in his mind the scene from the next room; he occasionally heard sexually charged noises through the wall, which only served to excite him more. He was long since aroused and fought the temptation to pleasure himself, hoping the evening would turn in his favor. He smiled at the thought of his wife pleasuring Micah; she loved not only being eaten, but was quite adept at pleasing women, too. His cock flexed in anticipation, straining against his pants as he heard the sound of the bedroom door opening.

Angela stepped out of the room slowly, giving “come hither” eyes and motioning with one index finger that he ought approach without hesitation. Trey wrapped his arms around his wife and firmly grabbed the cheeks of her ass, the bulge in his pants pressed firmly against her wet mound.

“Tell me how badly you want to fuck right now...” Angela whispered in his ear.

“Oh, my God, Angela... don’t tease me like this...” he whispered back.

She unfastened Trey’s pants and pulled out his fully erect cock. “Tell me how badly you want to cum...” She nibbled his ear, after again whispering to him. She slowly stroked his cock and was pleased with how it felt in her hand when it pulsated.

Trey moaned at her touch and closed his eyes. “You’re killing me right now, woman!” he thought to himself.

“Tell me how badly you want to fuck...her.” She squeezed his cock the moment it again pulsated at the sound of her suggestion. Trey opened his eyes as Angela smiled, turned and led him into the room, her hand still tightly wrapped around him.

Micah lay on the bed, with one leg outstretched and the other slightly drawn in, and was slowly teasing herself as Angela led Trey into the room. She rose from the bed and walked to him, lifting his shirt over his head to finish undressing him. She kissed Trey, lightly at first, then deeply as his hands slid up her body to her perky breasts. Her own hand dropped below the waist and found his already hard cock, which she squeezed and slowly stroked as they kissed. Lifting her from the floor, Trey carried Micah back to the bed and lay her on her back, looking into her eyes as he slowly knelt on the floor. His strong hands parted her legs, and as she bit her lip, heard him say at slightly more than a whisper, “You have no idea just how long I’ve fantasized of this very moment...”

Angela watched as her husband’s mouth made contact with Micah’s very wet pussy; she could see her eyes roll back as Trey began employing his own special technique on their friend. Angela rose to her knees and leaned over Micah’s face, offering a nipple which she eagerly accepted in her mouth, then began massaging her breasts as Trey continued his oral assault. The hums Angela felt through her breasts as Micah sucked signaled she was nearly ready to cum, and Trey sensed the same. Her legs clamped tightly around his head and her pelvis lifted from the bed as she came, forcefully pressing her swollen mound against his face and she released Angela’s nipple from her mouth.

“Oh, my God! Fuuuuck!” She shook as the intensity of the orgasm rippled through her body. Trey stood and, without hesitation, did as told when his wife commanded that he slide his cock inside Micah’s tight, and extremely soaked, pussy. He pressed the tip of his cock against her, and Angela grabbed him and teased her clit with it, stroking it up and down, before guiding him inside her. With long, slow strokes, Trey began fucking Micah as he had always wanted; her eyes burned into his as she silently begged him to fuck her hard and fast. As his pace quickened, Micah’s breaths became short gasps as another orgasm quickly approached. She let out a loud yell as she came, with even more obscenities following in her highest state of arousal. Angela swung a leg over Micah’s head and covered her mouth with her wet pussy, which Micah began licking in earnest. It was only moments until she came on her face, grinding herself on Micah’s eager mouth. Rolling off her friend, Angela raised her legs in the air and spread them wide, now begging for the same fucking that Trey has given Micah.

As he pulled out of Micah, he brought his cock close to her face and demanded she taste herself before he began fucking his wife. Micah obliged and grabbed his cock in her hand and covered it fully with her mouth. As she sucked her own wetness off his swollen member, Angela continued her begging to be fucked. Micah released his cock, which now quickly found its way inside his wife; he pounded against her furiously as her hips bucked to meet his, and felt her pussy clamp down on his cock as she came.

Feeling he, too, was ready to explode, Trey pulled out and motioned for the girls to kneel in front of him. Taking him in her hand, Angela licked the length of his cock then quickly began jerking him. Turning to Micah, she said “This one is all you...”, and she watched her take him into her mouth. Trey’s hands lightly held onto her head as he quickly fucked her mouth, her saliva pouring to the floor. Throwing his head back, he stopped thrusting while Micah continued to suck, her lips reaching the base of his cock. His legs at first quivered, then began to shake violently as his own orgasm overtook him, a loud, drawn out moan filling the air. Micah leaned back, her mouth full of his cum, and looked to Angela, who quickly seized upon the moment to kiss her deeply. Trey watched in amazement as the two swapped his semen, never once imagining he would ever see such a thing.

Micah and Angela enjoyed a hot shower together, during which they continued their play. Afterwards, the three talked at length of the evening’s events, each unashamed and complimenting one another on their skill and overt sexuality. All agreed that a breakup wasn’t the end of the world, especially when you had friends willing to make you forget your troubles, at least for one long, steamy night.

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