What a difference a year can make


April 2012 I was rejected for a job and also had to find a place to live. At 24 no family I knew off, after my mother had passed away and no knowledge of who my father had been she never said. So, I packed up a small bag with all my belongings and head for pastures new as the saying goes. Hitching here and there and working a little here and a little there, I made my way across 4 states. Finally, one day (April 2013) I was just sitting eating an apple, when a woman approached me and asked my name, it meant nothing to her. She then asked me did I know certain man saying his name, I'd no idea who she was talking about. Then she said she thought I was related to the man she had mentioned, I told I couldn't say as I'd no idea who my father was. Straight away I was asked would I consent to a DNA test, I said OKAY, if nothing comes of it, it was no skin off me. I was put up in her house a small place twelve bedrooms 8 baths and an annex with 4 more rooms and 2 baths for the household staff. The test completed and the results in, I was indeed related to man she had mentioned and was his son and only child. He had passed away several years earlier after years of being ill with cancer. He had told the woman who had talked to me (his mother) he had a child and had lost track of the woman before the birth of his child. I knew my mother had moved after getting pregnant and man who got her pregnant hadn't returned when he said he would. She told me her son had trouble with police and got several months in jail as a result. He was estranged from his father at the time and hadn't contacted the family for help. Only after finding his girlfriend gone, did he ask the family for help. Being months had passed and no trail was left by my mother as cellphones weren't as common as now back then. So, I now had a grandmother the first I've ever had, my mother's parents were deceased before I was born. My new grandmother's husband died three years earlier than his son of a stroke. But I hadn't been located and 15 years searching I was given up as lost. It was my looks that attracted my grandmother to me as I was the spitting image of her late son at the same age. Now quite well off not required to work to get by, I was to get to know the company businesses. I was assigned an assistant 24 and I was by then 25, as my grandmother thought a woman closer to my age would be better than an older woman. But she had specially selected the woman, as she had other plans than me just learning about the businesses. With an assistant with me I started learning and one thing led to another, and I bedded my assistant. We were soon in a very heated sexual relationship, so much so I asked my grandmother what she thought of me maybe marrying my assistant. She response shocked me, she said Finally about time, and I realized it was her plan all along. She wanted grandchildren asap and within a week we weren't just engaged we were married. Making grandchildren was to be our one and only job, my grandmother told us. These days I'm learning the workings of the businesses and have 6 children 4 boys 2 girls. Much to the great happiness of my grandmother. We had a son first than a daughter and then twin sons and followed by another son and last November another daughter. My wife is still able to have more but isn't going rush it. My grandmother is a pushy woman, more of the quiet planner type.
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