Cheating Wife
After 3 years of marriage, I hadn't yet got pregnant and not from the lack of trying. My husband is 7 years older than me and was a party animal his words before he met me, and he settled down. So, I got tested to see if I was the problem, I wasn't, and his mother was with me when I got the results just in case of bad news for moral support. No chance her son getting tested, he would never accept that he was at fault in anything. So, she got her other son to breed me. He was already married and had 3 children all girls and his wife, was unable to have another child due problems having their last child. He always wanted a son and breeding me gave him the chance. Several fucks and I got pregnant, and it was a girl. But I was willing to keep trying and after my daughter was 1, we started again, and it took longer but I finally got pregnant again luckily it was a boy this time. Born last June. My husband doesn't know who the father of his children is really. Only his mother, brother and me. I only cheated to be a mother.
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