Using my Sister


I'm the oldest of 2 and own my own business and home, even though I'm only 29 and a high school dropout. I left school to make something of myself as I saw schooling as a waste of time. I became a mechanic and bought out my employer when he wanted to retire and I was 24, hence the business and home. My home is on top of my workshop and I'm the only mechanic for a hundred miles, there're one or two backyard mechanics but they don't hurt my business. Because they have other jobs as well and it makes quick repairs unlikely. They only get the cash poor clients. Our parents divorced when I was 13 and our father disappeared, haven't heard of him since. Our mother died of lung cancer in 2020, covid was the last straw for her and her death was recorded as dying of lung cancer. Not due to the lack of ventilators which might have delayed her death a few months maybe. My sister 26 lived with our mother in the next town over from where I live and came to live with me after the funeral. My sister is the quiet type rarely speaks with strangers, unless prompted too. Being our mother's care up to her death, no job before or since. But she did at least complete high school unlike me. I helped them out financially even as I was paying off my business, I'm a very private person and didn't gossip with the locals about myself. I didn't date as I was working long hours to maximize my income and hadn't done much dating even before the purchase, saving up to buy my own business. I was lucky my former boss got heart problems and decided to retire, but he's still alive and enjoying retirement, I still see him every now and then. With my sister coming to live with me and one day I was really horny and being a Sunday, almost no people around as the locals were at church or gone up to the lake. The town is really dead, on Sundays and the only woman around was my sister. I'm a go getter as my late mother called me, I see something I want and go after it. I wanted sex this day and only sister available, I decided to have a crack as they say. My sister always went along with my wishes and her getting fucked by me was no different. I took her virginity and like they once you start it's hard to stop. Every time I got horny, I would fuck my sister and she got pregnant about a month later. No need to cover it up as the local knew very little of me personally, they had assumed my sister was at least my girlfriend. But on finding out we had the same surname, put one and one together and decided we were married. So, my sister getting pregnant wasn't a shock as they thought and still think she is my wife. She had our son in early 2022 and is again pregnant, we're hoping for a daughter. No problems with our son and no sign of trouble with this pregnancy, but it's early days as they say. My sister is a great little mother, I'm 6' and she 5'2" and lets me know what she wants. I said she is the quiet type, but she tells me what she wants.
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