Affair between Cousins: Chapter 1: Bed Wetters
My Name is Allen, for the Longest time my Cousin Rose have always felt like brother and sister when we were little. Ever since then we were inseparable, always playing games watching TV, going to the Mall having sleep overs. We were born only 4 months apart on the same year and she was the older one born in April. Little did I Know My Cousin dealt with a very Traumatic Experience when She was a Child. When she was a kid she grew up with a step-father. He seemed nice when I met him but it turns out he was the worst. When Rose was around 10 years old, He'd always have her commit Felatio to quote unquote "Make him happy". I didn't hear about this much later in my life but around the time I was turning 11 I found out the Hard Way. Since Rose and I had sleepovers we'd always have fun but around this time I always remembered wetting the bed. I remember wetting the bed when I was like 8 years old but this was different. Just a little before I turned 12 years old I saw something I felt was really weird, it was the morning after another sleep over with my Cousin a little bit before she was going to leave and go back to her moms house. I woke up a little earlier that morning and I felt like I was going to wait the bed but differently then usual. I looked under the cover of my blanks and I saw my cousin with her mouth around my Penis sucking and kissing on it. I freaked out and she saw that I was awake. I had something come out of my dick at that time that felt different from pee. It looked a little clearer with a whitish color to it. After she me freak out, Rose Panicked and Ran out of my room and into hers while everyone Was asleep. At that point I was in middle school and the kids would behind the classrooms would always share "Porn Magazines". I was curious at that age what sex was like because by the time I turned 8 years old I was taught about sex in Sex Education. It was required when we were in Elementary school. When looked at the magazine I was looking for what my cousin was doing to me because I knew it was sexual, I just didn't know what it was called. I turned in like 4 or 5 pages after I started reading and I saw that it was called a "Blowjob". Even Weirder is that for several weeks I felt I was "wetting the bed" always the morning after each sleepover. After I found out what my cousin did to me I felt very uncomfortable. I realized that this meant she was doing this to me for quite a while. Granted every time it happened I was felt good right before I "Wet the bed". I found the magazine a couple of weeks before the end of summer. I felt Nervous & Uncomfortable, but I needed to know why my cousin was "Giving me a Blowjob. I decided at the end of the Summer I'd ask her. But I wasn't sure if I should continue to hang out with my cousin....
To Be Continued in Chapter 2: Wilted Rose....
To Be Continued in Chapter 2: Wilted Rose....
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AbC - Chapter 2: Wilted Rose
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