Former Voyeur


I was always awkward around girls about my age and then young women. Never smart enough to university, but preferred working with my hands anyway. Trained as a cabinet maker and then expanding to become a carpenter. Living in small town more skills you have the better, able to afford my own place at 24. Nothing grand just plain and a little rundown, which I done was money and time permitted. Several months after I'd move in the house next sold and a mature woman 52 moved in. Nothing happened for a while, my house is slightly higher than my neighbor's house due to the slope of the ground and it's on posts that has it 2 feet off the ground. My house is the older of the 2 and has wooden floors, my neighbor's house has is on a concrete slab. Our main bedrooms are facing each other, so I could see into her bedroom easily and she couldn't see into mine. Early one morning I got up and the bedroom light went when I turned it on, and I would need a new bulb not having any spares. I planned to get some before I returned home from the job I was doing. But I forgot and so had no light in my bedroom that night, not a big problem. Anyway, I was getting ready for bed and happened to look next door and could see my neighbor masturbating herself on her bed totally naked. I got aroused and so got myself off, next day I got new bulbs and changed the blown bulb. With the light now working no sign of a repeat by my neighbor. Even turning the light off, nothing happened. The next night I left the kitchen lights on the side windows were set high and entered my bedroom leaving the light off, I again got to see my neighbor masturbate. So, leaving my bedroom lights off became my preferred option. After several weeks I knew her pattern every other night like clockwork she would masturbate, always around 9pm. This was how I got off by masturbating myself watching my neighbor masturbate. One night my cellphone rang just after she had finished, I also. I think she saw the light of my phone in the dark room and realized I was watching her. Because she got curtains that were always closed after that. We were on talking terms, nothing too personal, but she didn't ask was I watching her. Maybe just in case I hadn't been, but our friendship grew stronger, and she asked me to dinner. Just dinner nothing else, then another dinner and after about 5 dinners she straight asked me to fuck her. My awkwardness she took as hadn't been watching her, because after we became lovers, she mentioned her masturbating to get herself off. I acted surprised as if I didn't know anything about it and said I did it myself. We became friends with benefits, and I really love the benefits. I've done some repairs for her and stay the night regularly about every other night.
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