Anonymousdevi's lesson.


It is time for storytime with Bonzi and boy is this one a doozy, this is the tale of a user who learned that making accusations and bitching is a terrible way to go through life the hard way. Once upon a time there was a deviantart user named Anonymousdevi, Devi’s sole character trait was annoyance. And that was it, she just was annoying and had that as her defining trait, one day she was looking at an incomplete rant by Matthias T.Radke and she was peeved in a most Karen-like way! ‘You do not have the right to tell people who write anime character transformation stories that they cannot choose to identify as any gender they want, you are a transphobic biggot who is just an OC the creator uses because he is a coward.’ ‘And you’re just being like that to be woke. Nothing in my rant ever did state that I am transphobic. Face it, you’re just being woke.’ ‘I suppose you are just going to do lame parody songs that have no rhythm or rhyme or reason to exist if you will not listen to me.’

‘Why would I listen to a karen like you? All you do is whine. I’ve seen your gallery and it’s nothing but tgs into anime characters from anime nobody likely has ever seen. You are trying too hard to be woke. 'Woke? I am not woke, I am trying to make an accusation here.' 'And your accusation falls on deaf ears. This rant was not made to be seen and you shall indeed pay for this!' Matthias exclaimed before deleting his rant.

Devi thought she could use this as a means to demean him but little did she know that a powerful all knowing gorilla was watching. A cloud of purple smoke materialized in her room and took on the form of a purple gorilla. ‘It is ever so adorable watching wrongdoers mess up and cause a controversy that easily can be fixed.’ ‘What the hell is going on here, even though I should probably know?’ ‘I have come for you, Devi. I am Bonzi, the lord and master of the internet! I have heard you have been a very bad woman and no i’m coming to punish you!’ ‘Oh great, another OC made by a coward is going to punish me.’ ‘An OC? An OC? How dare you call me that! I am as mentioned, the lord and master of the internet, and you shall be punished.’

He leaped in front of Devi and grabbed her before mocking her obviously terrible taste in characters, he used his powers to change all of the collections of posters she had, changing them to reflect an entirely different taste, they had gone from Pokemon and random anime characters to heavy metal rock bands.

She gasped and then attempted to object but as she did, her skin slowly began to deform, becoming mottled and covered in bumps as her hands deformed and swelled, her gloves bursting apart as her fingernails lengthened. ‘My hands, what are you doing to me, even though I know this is part of a transformation and should be expected?’ ‘I am making you into a much better form. You don’t need all those anime character posters, you are a metal-head.’

Her shoes slowly broke apart as her feet enlarged and deformed, her clothing morphing and changing in style, giving her a grungy punk look as a reptilian tail emerged from her rear. ‘What is happening to my body, why are you transforming me into this?’ ‘Because you had to be a snake in the grass, that’s why. You were a bad person, Devi.’

Anonymousthro came into the room…’Hey, you. Leave Devi alone, she’s innocent.’ ‘No she is not, she is an abusive penis headed moron!’ ‘Well you are an OC being used by a coward as a mouthpiece.’ ‘That is big talk coming from someone who has Anonymous in their username. What’s the matter, Thro? Couldn’t think of something more original?’

‘How dare you attack my username!’ ‘It is a terrible one that wreaks of unoriginality. Yes, because Anonymous in your name I suppose you think it gives you total freedom to be an ass to everyone. Well you were wrong.’

Thro tried to object to Bonzi’s words but he found himself coughing up a strange black ooze as his body slowly bloated up and gained a lot of weight, growing coarse gray fur all over his body, his hands swelling and deforming to appear to be half hoof-like. ‘What on earth! I’m growing hair and hooves! This isn’t haaaaw funny, haaw!’

Bonzi laughed at him…’Ha, you deserved this. If it wasn’t for you acting like a prick and the same goes for Devi, you two would not be in this mess! I am the lord and master of the internet and I am never wrong!’ Thro moaned and groaned as his feet deformed and shifted to go with his hands, as his ass inflated, his clothes slowly ripping away as a tail like that of a donkey grew out.

He laughed and laughed, and then laughed at Devi as she struggled to keep herself from being turned on by the sight of her transforming friend and she started to thrust sexually against him. ‘That is right, you love mating with him, he is yours, you love him, he loves you, you are both metal-head demons.’

Thro moaned and groaned as his member enlarged which turned on Devi as she began to thrust into him even more, and within minutes the two of them were banging each-other. His hair lengthened and darkened as his ears shifted to become like those of a donkey as a pair of horns grew out of his head.

Devi’s back and shoulders broadened while her neck lengthened and her hair slowly darkened, taking on a spiked up style as her ears become pointed, her brow deformed and her teeth sharpened, her eyes turning from brown to red and developing slitted pupils, her voice cracking and becoming more demonic as her face deformed. ‘There we go, you are all better. And now it is time to take away your memories, you are not Devi, you are a metal-head demon mistress and Thro is your thrall and your personal slave.’

The purple gorilla’s words echoed in her head as her memories were gradually replaced by those of her new identity, she was not an anime fan nor did she remember ever being one, she never liked Final Fantasy, she was a hardcore metal-head demoness named Kjalia and Thro was her slave/servant who always did what he was told.

Thro’s face slowly pushed out into a deformed donkey muzzle as memories of a new identity entered his mind, memories of being a punk anthro demon donkey named Zarak, Zarak was happy to always obey his demon mistress and do whatever she said. ‘That is better, you were such a failure as a human anyway!’

Britney came to see the two of her friends banging eachother and she was horrified. ‘What is happening here? Why have you transformed my friends?’ ‘You did not believe Nathan when he told you it was not his fault, your friends paid the price and now you shall join them.’

She panicked as she felt her skin slowly peeling off in drops, revealing new skin that was hardening and turning rough, purple and scaly as her hands deformed, her fingernails lengthened and her clothes slowly ripped apart, her breasts slowly retracted into her chest. Her body expanding and becoming quite muscular. ‘My breasts, they are my only defining trait of me being female in the context of a TG! This is not fair!’ ‘You should have thought of THAT before sucking up to your friends like that.’

Britney begged for Bonzi to turn them back to normal but Bonzi would not have any of it, as he began to twist her body even further, making spikes emerge from her back as her neck lengthened, her rear shrank in size as her privates shifted to the more masculine variant. ‘You are always advocating trans people, and now you get to experience being male, enjoy your new ding-aling.’

She groaned as she slowly grew taller and taller as her back and shoulders broadened, her neckline thickening as her hair slowly spiked up and her ears shifted to become become pointed, her brow deformed while her eyes widened, she couldn’t help but find that the demon mistress that used to be her friend was sexy as hell (pardon the pun!), so she seduced her and made out with her.

Her teeth sharpened as her voice deepened, sounding masculine and demonic sounding as two horns emerged from the tip of her head, new memories assaulted her brain, making her think he had always been male instead of female, and that he was a demon named Daimus who was in love with the mistress. ‘All done. You three were such failures before I got to you and now you are all better.’

Bonzi smiled as his work had been done, he used his powers to transport them to a heavy metal concert for a band known as the ‘Screaming Banshees’ and they all instinctively rocked out at the concert as he took over their former home and all of their online content shifted to be heavy metal focused.

And thus our story comes to an end but not without a moral, remember don’t do what all these people did or Bonzi might come and make you see what kind of monster you truly are on the inside. For Bonzi will have his way with you and you will like it!
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