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Sister update 2Great news my sister Judith is pregnant again and all tests show no problems, and she is having a girl. Our parents George and Kathy are very happy with the news, I was somewhat less happy according to Judith. she said I didn't look as happy as I was on the news of our first child George. I said I'm very happy, but also started thinking we might stop having as much sex as before because you want only 2 children a boy and a girl. No need to worry I wanted a boy and a girl minimum she replied. Tha...reading time 1 mingenre
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Arnold N B
My Turn updateWayne again I married my late brother's wife Jane and she is now pregnant our first child due next month. Along with hers and my late brother's children Martin and Chloe are living happy together. I'm very happy with my life now and soon to have a child of my own and its a boy according to the doctor, so like my brother and Jane had we'll name it after me. Jane is happy with everything in life and has asked me to consider having 3 more children as she prefers even numbers. I'm willing and will s...reading time 1 mingenre
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Wayne G
My Boss's DaughterI married the boss's daughter; I was regular fucking his wife and it was her who decided I should marry her bookworm of a daughter. Which shocked me at the time, but I agreed anyway, so with her mother help we married. I got the daughter quickly pregnant and became her mother's assistant. Working wasn't high on my list of things to do list and I was very happy just fucking my mother-in-law. Also, I could fuck my wife as she is easily persuaded. My father-in-law is happy with me as long as his da...reading time 1 mingenre
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Better for us allI'm well off run four businesses and have a dozen staff members, most of my businesses only have 2 staff members. But the last one has 6 employees, it won't make me rich, but it pays everyone their wages. The only male working there is 62 and the others are all women. Ranging in age from 22 to 39 and are all related to each other, they also live together and due to the pandemic of 2020 and fearing the loss of their jobs. They all became my lovers; I was 39 at the time single with no prospects of...reading time 2 mingenre
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Single no longer
My Quiet Brother UpdateMy brother Andrew is very happy with our son Alexander and has decided to try for another child with me. Alexander was born late last November and I'm still breastfeeding him and as soon as I ween him I told Andrew we will start trying for another child. Barbara our mother has decided to move in with Andrew and me. Our father Donald left us when I was 10 and has never tried to contact or see us since. Barbara workplace closed due to the coronavirus and she was told they ain't reopening again. Th...reading time 1 mingenre
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Dirty mommyI'm the dirty mommy you see at all your friend's parties, wearing the same clothes as all the teenage girls are, flirting with all the younger men, and of course drawing all the male attention to me! I am the type of woman that your mother has warned you about, but you can't seem to stay away. I wonder why that is? Might it be you and I share something that most people could never even imagine to admit to those whom they are close with? Ahh, that's right it's just me and my dirty little secrets ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Living with the ConsequencesMy cousin and I were mucking about, and we ended up fucking. Once not a big problem, we both had enjoyed the sex and fucked again a week later. It seems we had taken a liking to fucking each other. She was happy to sleep with me and I her, the problem came as usual if you don't take precautions. She got pregnant and we didn't know what we should do, she got all the tests, and the baby was perfect according to the tests. So, we talked our mutual grandmother, and she just told us we had made our b...reading time 1 mingenre
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Happy Too
Dirty mommy DaisyI'm the dirty mommy you see at all your friend's parties, wearing the same clothes as all the teenage girls are, flirting with all the younger men, and of course drawing all the male attention to me! I am the type of woman that your mother has warned you about, but you can't seem to stay away. I wonder why that is? Might it be you and I share something that most people could never even imagine to admit to those whom they are close with? Ahh, that's right it's just me and my dirty little secrets ...reading time 2 mingenre
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I thought my brother was Gay updateLast weekend my brother David married Billy Jean and are now honeymooning. I'm getting on very well with my now sister-in-law and she insists me, and my children stay with them now that they're married. Which is really needed by me as I really need the help my brother gives me. Also, as David and Billy Jean work at the same place, she wants me to run the household and so I don't need to find a job. The only change other than Billy Jean moving in is her Dog "Happy" a Skye Terrier who is a great h...reading time 1 mingenre
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Katherine the bad judge
Gullible Cousin 2With the birth of our healthy daughter in late February, Suzie says she is very happy with our relationship. Even those she knows I won a lottery prize and is a fulltime mother to our daughter and lover to me. But as penance for my tricking her, I've to keep up my wizard learning and have sex with a witch (Suzie) regularly. A punishment I enjoy very much, our families have accepted our relationship, but that doesn't mean they approve of it. But that's because we are happy, and they really love t...reading time 1 mingenre
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The Gray Wizard
My Sister Marilyn updateMarilyn had lost her job after the company closed and was broke and moved in with me. After catching me masturbating we started having sex and she missed her periods and got tested. Testing positive to being pregnant and having every test there was and all showed the baby healthy. We still live together and await his arrival, our mother Gloria isn't that happy that her first grandchild is from incest. But our father always the calmer one, just shrugged his shoulders and said they are happy and t...reading time 1 mingenre
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David 7
Collecting UpdateSince the end of May, my sister Isabel has been living and sleeping with me. Isabel collects Barbie dolls and even dresses up like them. She lets me do anything I want sexual to her and I have also gotten her pregnant and our mother isn't happy about the incest. But she is happy at becoming a grandmother, my father just shakes his head and hasn't said anything about our relationship. The baby is due early next year and I have sold my house and have moved closer to the city and Isabel wears weddi...reading time 1 mingenre
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Happy with our New lifeIn the years since our first meeting, we've really clicked as a family. Both Judith and Beryl are very happy with our arrangement and the 4 children we've had. Beryl is pregnant again, making her third child, she is hoping for a boy and is getting checked today to find out if she has succeeded. Judith would like a girl having had 2 boys with me, but she may be passed having any more children. But I enjoy trying, with 4 young children it can be rather hectic around the house at times, especially ...reading time 1 mingenre
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The Haunted House 2We adopted each other's children and had our son in May and quite happy with everything my wife Cathy is happy everything as well and my first 3 children love their new brother. We had great fun last Halloween and played a tape of a howling wolf for some additional effect, which caused our 2 dogs to howl along with the tape. Like I said my father is easy for the children to manipulate we would've had 3, except the girls both liked the same dog. Our joined family is getting on very well and plan...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Sister Joan UpdateMy sister Joan and I started to live together after the death of our mother Harriet and I started to get horny around Joan and made a move on her and that when we started sleeping together all the time. Joan got pregnant and we had a son Richard after Harriet's late father in late May. We are now back to full sex and are happy how things are and Joan wants a least one more child and I'm willing also. As soon as Richard is weened, we will start trying again. But all our sex is without protection ...reading time 1 mingenre
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George D
My wife caught me update I decided to ask my mother-in-law about joining in with daughters and me. Expecting a shocked reaction from her and her daughters, she just said I'll think about it. No reaction from wife or sister-in-law, still fucking sister-in-law and with the new the new baby she got clucky and asked my wife would she mind me fathering a child of hers. My wife agreed straight away and even asked me for her sister. As a result, sister-in-law now pregnant and wife is very happy, and her mother is very happy a...reading time 1 mingenre
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Shocked Husband
MarriedI started a relationship with a colleague at work she was 48 (widow), and I was 29 at the time. I don't know how we became lovers we just did, and I started going over on Sundays for dinner and met her daughter and we clicked also, and I started dating her. She knew I was fucking her mother and told she was happy her mother was getting some. As her mother deserved the best, I started sleeping with the daughter who was 27 at the time and also moved in with them. After a year living with them, I p...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Family Man
Things you do continuedBarbara had our daughter in late May 2022, and we've been quite happy together and I'm enjoying being a father. But Barbara wants at least 2 children, and we never really stop having sex for very long. She stopped breast feeding in April and is again pregnant testing positive in July this year, haven't had test to determine the sex of the baby, Barbara wants either a boy or a girl, I want a boy. But will be happy still if another girl. I've decided to keep trying for children with Barbara as lon...reading time 1 mingenre
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Nelson M
Sisters both PregnantI'm Dennis 29 and I've been dating Karen 26 and now we're getting married in February, also she tested positive to being pregnant late last month. I've also been seeing her sister Mary 24 and she has now tested positive to being pregnant. I was stunned at first and then shocked by Karen who wasn't at all concerned by me getting her sister Mary pregnant. She had asked her sister to date me also so I wouldn't stray (her words) and wasn't concerned by me fucking her sister. Almost 2 weeks after Kar...reading time 2 mingenre
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Dennis B B
After my DivorceI got divorced and my 2 children stayed with their mother, but she wasn't happy after the settlement with having the house. So, she sold it and moved next door to me in my new home. She actually bought the house next door to me, as you might have already realized. We aren't short of money, having my ex living next door to me wasn't a problem for me. I went to work and came home as usual and wasn't trying to start any relationships either. My wife was trying and failing to find a suitable man to ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Strange Divorce
Family BusinessI got divorced in 2019 and got custody of my son (1 at the time) and my ex departed with her new meal ticket. She didn't want custody and took a cash payment, so I was happy she was gone. My cousin moved in with me to help and she was single and not into dating and during the pandemic we got together and became lovers and she got pregnant and now we have 2 children together plus my son. My cousin's mother joined our family group after lockdown and also joined us in bed as well. She looks after t...reading time 1 mingenre
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Loving Cousin
Hired to marryAt 27 my life wasn't going anywhere quickly or for the better. I dropped out of school and thought I was cool, now I know it wasn't cool, I was a fool. Anyway, working for family firm I was just getting by and not doing great on the front also. I didn't earn much and so could impress a girl much at all. But I got by picking up drunk women, which led to me getting married. I didn't marry the drunk woman 52, but it put me on her radar. She was a widow and got horny when she drank, only having a da...reading time 2 mingenre
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Hired Husband
Family I'm Peter 47 married to Helen 45 and we have 4 children together, all the children are either at university or moved away with own careers. I met Helen and got her pregnant when she was 17 and so we married and have had a great life together and still do. Helen's younger sister Clare 43 wasn't so lucky, got caught up with an asshole who regularly bashed her. Before she got away from him, no children with that asshole. Shell shocked and wanting a new life she came to Helen, Helen was pregnant at ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Peter 2 wives
Rich UncleAfter leaving university I got a job with my uncle business. Uncle by marriage, married my late father's sister. My father died in 2020 like so many who believed the wackos about the Covid virus. The wackos themselves got the vaccine but told others they shouldn't. My aunt had medical problems and never had children; her husband was an only child and last of his family line. My aunt wasn't well most of the time, but cared very much for her husband and she asked me would I carry a baby for him. I...reading time 2 mingenre
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I bought a WifeNo, I didn't go to some backward country and buy my wife, I just went interstate. It may surprise you, but you can buy a wife right here. Just look for the born-again Christians cults, anything and everything is available for money. My wife was sold to me, and nobody cared whether or not I could support her or treat her right. Their interest in her welfare stopped when the money was paid. I was 32 at the time and my wife was 24, older than most and she wasn't a virgin either. I told them I came ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Wife Buyer
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